Please allow 4-5 weeks for delivery. This product is made to order.
You are purchasing a complete blaster with all the electronics installed and programming completed.
This blaster is a modified airsoft P08 Luger. A new Feature has been added to allow different finishes to be added to your blaster.
Starlight Sabers is working with me to give these blasters a unique look. Right now there are 4 options of finish. The options for "Heat stain + weathering" and "The Spice Lord" will increase the time it takes to complete the order.
Finishes from Starlight Sabers will add an additional 2-4 weeks.
The finish's by Starlight Sabers are air brushed and finished with an automotive clear coat used on cars. This finish is strong but CAN chip if handled carelessly.
Installed with:
Proffieboard v2.2
25x Neopixels inside the barrel.
28mm Bass Speaker
High Amp Killswitch
3.7v 18500 Li-Ion Battery (Hard wired)
2x Tactile switches
2.1mm recharge port accessible on the bottom of the handle.
Comes with the 9 fonts demonstrated in the video.
3.7v charger included.
"The Spice Lord" finish comes with an additional special font "Spice Lord" by Kyberphonic designed for Starlight Sabers.