Free formed thoughts of a stay at home saber maker.

Let me introduce my self. My name is Jonathan Rossi, and I have been moderating @SabersForever on Instagram since its inception and now I am finally taking the leap to make it my full time job. So, Hello saber world! This is my footprint on the internet.

The featured image for this post is of me on 4/12/2021 at 7:30am in the morning starting my very first day working for my self. The photo was taken by my lovely wife Rea who has been very supportive and pushed me to make this jump. The pup is Penny and she is my crime fighting partner. She watches my back and I pet hers.

I think I'm going to try to make these posts an end of the work week thing. Maybe it will help me actually wind down instead of constantly walking back to the bench to do that "one more thing" since I am working from home. Any way, lets try this out.

Today is day 3.

Day 3 of me working for my self and making this ship float. 

I was commissioned about 3 weeks ago to make two Graflex lightsabers. It's not every day you get a commission like that, well not me any way. I have to say, knowing they are going to be paired together made me want to put little variants in each saber. The variants are subtle, but still there. This commission is what really opened my eyes to doing this full time. I have to try.

My goal really here, is to supply trustworthy work. Quality over quantity. I always aim for quality, but now there is a place you can come and say "I want that" *buy*.. where as before, I guess only the lucky ones that got my attention on Instagram got my work.

When you order a saber, I either have it in my possession or it is something that is readily available for me to get a hold of. Most sabers in essence are made to order and will be fulfilled in the order they are received.

Any way, I hope you all join me on this crazy journey and I get to build you a quality saber. I have some great plans, lets see how many I can make happen.

Also, I encourage anyone reading this to comment and give me your thoughts on what you would like to see on my website. Or if you have any thoughts on your own experience you would like to relate.


Lots to do still!



  • I’ve recently seen some of your youtube videos especially dealing with the KR Hero and KR V2. I may be acquiring a Hero soon and would want it installed just like you did with removeable speaker…Outstanding work!!

    Hans Greindl
  • What can I say Jonathan is a pro’s pro. On my 6th saber with him ! His attention to a customers needs and wishes are paramount. Feels like a good friend is doing the work. My Sabers are beautiful and perfect ! Don’t hesitate you won’t regret it !

    J. Roman
  • Great job

    Ken Rossi
  • I’m so excited to have been a part of this journey you’re going on with you! It takes a lot to try and live your dream! I know you’re going to do big things!

    A community area would definitely be cool where we can show off the things. I know you’ve got to have some interesting customers who could keep it interesting!

    Mark Todd

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